Attach wallboard

When you decide to improve the room with wallboards you will face a lot of trouble. This is because wallboards need to be cut in order to fit around plumbing and electrical systems. You can avoid all the difficulties with the cutting if you follow simple instructions.

Find a room to work in and bring the wallboard inside. Place it against an adjacent wall. See what size you need the wallboards to be for the installation and cut them if necessary.

Mark the area you will need to cut with a marker. Remember to take into consideration any electrical boxes that may need a place on the wallboard. Line all the areas that will need to be cut. Go to the wall you want to install the wallboard on and place it there. Fit the electrical box gently inside the wall. Now take away the wallboard and replace it on the adjacent wall you used earlier to make marks. You will see the trace of the electrical box.

Follow the trace of the box with a utility knife and cut that piece. Always cut on the outside of the line you made with the marker. The wallboard is now ready to be placed over the electrical box. You should have a perfect fit.

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