Cookie decorations

1. Take a piece of waxed paper and cover the cookie tray or pie tin with it. This is to prevent the cookies from sticking to the tray and also it makes it easier to remove them.

Prepare your cookie cutter with the shapes you want that have the Christmas theme.

2. Make a mixture of lard and crunchy peanut butter in a saucepan. Make sure that when you turn the heat on you only melt them, not bake them. This will make it easier to mix the ingredients.

3. Now add dry oats, cornmeal, millet, flour and granulated sugar into the melted peanut butter and lard mixture and start stirring. Make a complete mixture.

4. Pour mixture in each cookie shape with a spoon or ladle. Remember to poke a hole on top of each cookie. You will need this hole when you will want to hang the cookies outside on a ribbon.

5. Further on you have to take the cookie tray and leave in the freezer for 7 to 10 days. After waiting that required period of time, you can remove the cookies from their shape. Next you can thread the cookies through a ribbon and hang this in the yard between branches of the trees. This will be nice for the birds and for your house to, as it looks good in the yard.

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