Metal corner beads

While installing drywall you will face yourself with the installation of corner beads. They come in various materials but the most popular seems to be vinyl due to its good quality and price. Follow these steps:

The first thing to do before starting to install the bead is to prepare the area.

This means having all corners even and the foundation securely set. Next you have to clean the area from any dust residue that may be there from the installation of the drywall. Spray the area with water and wash it with a cloth. Allow it time to dry afterwards. You have to do this to make the installation easier.

Start preparing the corner bead now. Cut it using the tin snip for vinyl leaving half an inch at the bottom near the floor. Put the corner bead into place and make sure it is squared away before putting in the nails. Use a hammer for the nails making sure you get them through the metal too. For the best result make sure you install the nails at a distance of 8 inches apart.

Now you have to clinch the corner bead using more nails than before. Next try to force the metal prongs into the drywall with the corner bead clincher. It is not impossible to make a mistake so make sure you have an extra bead just in case.

The most common mistake is to start securing the corner bead before making sure it is perfectly lined up. So what you can do in this case is to take the replacement bead and start all over again.

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