Radiant barrier insulation

Insulation is something that every house needs. The only thing that differs is what type of insulation to use: fiberglass, rigid foam boards or liquid foam. You have to identify the most suitable insulation type for your particular home, depending especially on the climate you live in.

If you insulate your house properly you reduce the energy consumption.

The local energy conservation office will help you determine which insulation is best for your climate.

Fiberglass insulation is usually installed between floor joints or in wall cavities and they come in rolls. You need to protect yourself against the insulation particles with a dust mask or respirator and a pair of gloves.

Foam boards or rigid foam home insulation is more resistant to water; therefore it is usually used to insulate foundations. You can also find this type of insulation used on the exterior of walls, where they must be fit tightly together. This type is preferred over fiberglass because of the higher R-value.

There is the liquid foam insulation left. This type of insulation is sprayed in a thin layer and after you leave it like that a while it expands and it fills the wall cavity. It is an easy to use insulation that doesn’t settle or move and is very airtight also.

Installing insulation can be done by a house owner but there are also many contractors ready to do the job for you.

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