Switch christmas lights

The use of electric string lights is an old tradition for the Christmas holiday, from 1882. Today’s Christmas lights are more modern with all the colors available and even with blinking patterns. Facing problems with the lights during an already busy Christmas can be very frustrating.

1. Verify the outlets and the cords. Verify that all connections between strings are plugged and verify if the outlet is working properly. You can do this by checking another outlet. Check if the wall switches are all turned on correctly.

2. Some lights are using a timer, so see if the timer is not in the “off” position. You might need to activate them.

3. Check to see if the home’s circuit breaker hasn’t overloaded due to the abundance of electronic devices. If you see that there were switches flipped by the overload reset them after unplugging all the electronics required.

4. There are strings that stop working if a bulb has failed. Check the string of lights for faulty bulbs and replace them.  Use replacements in the place of the ones that don’t work. Check again to see if the lights function. If the lights still don’t work it means you need to replace other bulbs as well.

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