Wedding cake

A traditional wedding has a huge layer cake that has to be cut by someone then served around the guests and so on so that you finally realize that it is spread around the room in plates because people didn’t eat it all. This happens to most of the cake.


With a sweet buffet you have attractive tables filled with candies, nuts or other treats. You can hire a sweet cart for an easier customization on the number of guests. You have to think about sweets that can provoke allergies and add some that don’t. This way everybody can enjoy them.

Depending on your budget you can offer from bagged candy from the local store to expensive specialties. You can also add cupcakes, drinks and salty snack mixes. You can also create a theme in which you organize the candies on the table.

There can still be some traditionalists that like to see cake at a wedding, so in this case you can provide a small cake to be shared between the married couple.

You can offer the left-over as wedding favors when the reception ends or you can give them to the personnel who helped with the wedding.

bagged candy, candy, cupcakes, drinks, sweet cart, traditional wedding, wedding buffet, wedding cake, wedding favors, wedding food, wedding sweet buffet