Wedding ceremony

First of all don’t ignore your wedding officiant’s ideas even though you don’t agree with some of them. They are still good ideas. Also you can ask the offciant to give you copies of traditional wedding vows and readings and other useful things.

Planning the wedding ceremony is a job that has to be done by both the bride and the groom. This way they can include the elements that are important for both of them.

The wedding ceremony is usually all about the vows. They can be written in a traditional manner or nontraditional. The vows can also be a poem or a special quote. The vows have to express all the love between the bride and groom. The vows can be individual or joined.

The next thing to plan is the music. You can have the music in the background or you can integrate music as part of the ceremony. It can be a good idea to ask a talented friend to play something at the wedding. Try to pick music that you like and that represents you.

Make sure that all people involved in the ceremony will conclude their part in the ceremony. You should distribute an outline of the ceremony among all the people involved.

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